Through the eyes of Joukje Vissenberg, Fashion Fotographer

My name is Joukje, 37 years old. I am married and mother of 2 very lovely children; daughter Philou (7yrs) and son Fimme (3 yrs). I am a child psychologist by profession and I work as a behavioral scientist in special education.
Here I guide children with very complex problems towards a place in society.
Photography started as a hobby for me and eventually grew into entrepreneurship. When I became a mother 7 years ago, my interest in photographing families arose and I have further specialized in this since then.
I am very lucky to have all the video images and photos that my parents took of me when I grew up in Breda as a little girl. Those images are now very valuable to me, as a grown woman and mother myself. I suspect this is the reason I started photographing families.

Of course I will give clues here and there and see where the light is the most beautiful, but otherwise I try to stay as close to the real thing as possible. This is the best way to capture the true connection between people, because that's what it's all about for me.
Connection and love. Real, pure emotions. You as you are in a natural way. Don't expect the perfectly posed picture and staged situations from me, but those undirected moments in between that are over in the blink of an eye (and therefore perfect).