Eagerness, excitement and nerves. These were some of the -highly contagious- emotions breathed in the air of Paris, an already flashing city by nature, a week before the most anticipated week of the year approached, Fashion Week. And there we were, for 72 hours, getting absorbed by the light of inspiration, more present than ever at the world’s fashion capital.
A completely unplanned journey, that couldn’t have gone more smoothly. A trip to catch a breath of fresh air, to get inspired for The New Society, and to walk Paris.

Suitcase in hand, we started out in Première Vision, where you were welcomed by a big wall with a sentence written that shook profoundly any fashion enthusiast (like us); “Vous Entrez Dans le Coeur de la Mode”, “You have entered the Heart of Fashion”.
And so, we continued. First stop, the print stands. A fusion of colours, of trends and the result of the careful work of so many artists. So many prints seemed to be made for The New Society. Simplicity with style, modern yet romantic would define some of the ones we selected for our upcoming collections.
A learning process where you realize that the blend of inspiration and vision -often downplayed in the creative process- are more significant than you can imagine. Something as simple as three pieces of carton with prints put together, can inspire a full collection. That’s what makes The New Society’s values stand out. Carefully defining and designing each collection, from a piece of paper to every last, final detail. A beautiful process to be a part of.

After a full day of meeting suppliers, visiting the sustainability aisle in search for what more we can do to contribute, and a lot of walking, it was sadly time to go. The day went by fast, but what a success!
That evening, we shared a lovely meal with Pierre, from Agence Duofashion, our Showroom in France. We couldn’t leave Paris without an outstanding gastronomical experience (actually, one of many), and that was it. The perfect ending to a perfect day, Sake in hand -a traditional Japanese wine-.

The next day, we explored the vintage side of Paris in search for that ‘je ne sais quoi’ that could complete our collection, or to start the next one. Another triumphant day in the trip, and an easy one because Estefanía, The New Society’s founder, has just the eye to find exactly what we’re looking for. Also… is there anything you can’t find in Paris?
The last day was for meetings up and down the Parisian streets. This time, to define what exciting adventure is next for us, and it turns out that some very fascinating things are coming towards The New Society!
Now it’s time to take everything we learned, and turn it into something beautiful. A lot of work with so much love, and we can’t wait to see where this takes us! Stay tuned!