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We Celebrate Mother's Day with Ana!
On this special day, we are delighted to introduce you to Ana and her personal project. Ana, a passionate and entrepreneurial mother, has created Cayumas with love and dedication to offer unique and quality products that reflect her lifestyle and values, which we at The New Society identify with.
Cayumas is a symbol of love, family, and community. Each piece is carefully designed and crafted with sustainable and environmentally friendly materials. Today, we talk to Ana about this special project. Keep reading to discover more and celebrate all mothers.


-Ana, what inspired you to start your own brand?
Honestly, it was because at that point in my life, I needed a change. I had moved to Madrid from Ibiza, and I felt the need to reinvent myself, as they say. I was clear that working with real craftsmanship and creating a brand was one of my favorite goals; a dream that sooner or later had to happen. It is true that from my initial idea, a small store with various objects from all over the world, to what Cayumas is today, there has been an evolution. Sometimes the result of chance, other times of planning.


 -How do you find the balance between running your business and being a mother?
It's not easy. Cayumas demands a lot from me, and so do my children. Sometimes the only way is to turn off phones and entrust the company to the fabulous team I have, and dedicate the time my children deserve at their ages. Of course, my husband also helps me. He is a partner in the company, assisting in both tasks.


 -What advice would you give to other women who aspire to start their own business while also being mothers?
I'm not one to give advice, but I encourage them to fight for their dreams as they wish their children to fight for theirs, and to always have the perspective to know when to stop and not neglect the family, as that time cannot be recovered.


-What are some of the challenges you face as a businesswoman in the footwear industry?
Companies that work with artisans face very high production costs because economies of scale do not apply to our products. It takes a lady an hour and a half to make a pair of Cayumas, and she won't be able to do it faster or make more in the same time. Therefore, the challenge is to offer a product at a price that is fair for the customer, with the quality that we propagate and that they deserve, while also being profitable for the company.


-How do you think your experience as a mother has influenced your approach to business and the way you run your company?
What's more organized than a mother? Exactly, I think before being a mother, I was a pretty relaxed woman and I didn't mind leaving things for tomorrow, but all that changed because it's impossible to relax. The key is consistency, consistency, and more consistency.
-What has been your greatest achievement or moment of pride since you started your own company?
Every day, seeing customers happy with their pair of Friulanes or watching people take photos in the store, or the thank-you messages on Instagram. Also, having significant figures in the global fashion world call us and take interest in Cayumas; having prestigious brands want to collaborate and create collections with us is something I couldn't have imagined initially
-What aspect of running your own company do you find most rewarding?
Building a team and being united, all rowing in the same direction.

Thank you, Ana, for sharing your project with our community on this special day. Undoubtedly, you reflect the values that we like to convey at TNS. We are happy to see you succeed. We wish you a Happy Mother's Day and lots of luck with your project.